Scientific Biography

Dmitriy V.Maltsev, a Ukrainian, born in the town of Lubny, Poltava region in 1980.

He graduated from A.Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU) with honours in 2003 in the specialty: Medical Practice, then completed an internship in neurology in the Department of Neurology and Reflexotherapy at P. Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (NMAPE) from 2003 until 2004, worked as a neurologist in Vishneve town hospital from 2004 until 2007. At the same time he collaborated with the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology at A. Bogomolets NMU (Head of the Department -Professor G.N. Drannik), where he was preparing an academic paper. In 2006 he completed his specialization in Clinical Immunology at P. Shupik NMAPE. In 2007 he got a job in the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology at A. Bogomolets NMU, where in 2008 he defended his thesis for PhD degree in Medicine on the topic: "The Immune status in patients with simple migraine and the role of herpes viruses in pathogenesis of the disease". He has worked as Deputy-Director of the newly-established Institute of Immunology and Allergology attached to A.Bogomolets NMU (Director of the Institute - Professor Vera E. Kazmirchuk) since 2009, where a number of government-funded research studies were accomplished under his direction in the area of neuroimmunology. In 2015, in view of the Institute reorganization, he was transferred to the post of Head of the Laboratory of Immunology and Molecular Biology in the newly-established Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at A. Bogomolets NMU attached to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, where he has been working until now.

He specializes in the area of clinical immunology, neuroimmunology, opportunistic infections and immunotherapy as well as in the theory of human immunodeficiency diseases; he is the author of 16 books on immunology and neuroimmunology, including one textbook for students of medical universities and one Atlas on radiological manifestations of herpesvirus infections. He is also the author of 161 articles published in scientific journals of Ukraine and foreign countries as well as over 100 presentations at scientific conferences, a holder of about 30 patents and copyrights for inventions and utility models [1]. He is the author of a number of clinical research studies on improvement of the approaches to diagnostics and treatment of human herpesvirus infections. He proposed a modern clinical and radiological classification of herpesvirus neuroinfections [2], successfully approved the combination antiviral therapy in chronic reactivated infections induced by Epstein-Barr viruses [3] and herpes virus type 6 [4], described a number of peculiar clinical cases with herpesviral encephalitis [5, 6] and myelitis [7], improved modern ideas about the relation of reactivated herpes virus infections to primary and secondary immunodeficiencies [8].

He developed, tested and proposed a number of new therapeutic strategies to treat primary immunodeficiencies, including the deficiencies of phagocytic myeloperoxidase, mannose-binding lectin, class M immunoglobulin, class E immunoglobulin as well as the selective deficiencies of natural killer cells and natural killer T-lymphocytes. He described and characterized a new form of the primary immunodeficiency - the immunodeficiency, associated with the genetic deficiency of the folate cycleб having developed the therapeutic approaches to compensate for the mentioned immune system disease.

A number of his works are focused on improvement of the existing immunotherapeutic approaches. He has shown for the first time in the world that the long-term interferon-gamma immunotherapy with the phagocytic myeloperoxidase deficiency resulted in a complete clinical and laboratory remission [9]. These data were entered in the national clinical protocol for myeloperoxidase deficiency. Together with V.Tsarik, he demonstrated the benefit of a low-dose IV immunoglobulin therapy in a selective class E immunoglobulin deficiency, successfully approved Pentaglobin replacement immunotherapy in a clinically manifest selective class M immunoglobulin deficiency [10]. He has developed a sequential immunotherapy with the natural killer / natural killer T-lymphocyte deficiency, using interferon-alpha as the first-line therapy and interferon-gamma and Propes as the second-line therapy in recalcitrant cases [11].

D.Maltsev is the author of a number of scientific concepts. When studying the recalcitrant cases of migraine without aura, he noticed an abnormally high load of lymphotropic herpes viruses in patients' saliva. As is known, the leading theory of migraine is a trigemino-vascular one, according to which a pain episode is generated as a consequence of the trigeminal nerve excitation with the secondary neurogenic inflammation in the meninges and walls of the vessels innervated by the trigeminal nerve. The previous research studies have indicated to the central mechanisms of trigeminal nerves sensitization in patients with migraine. He drew attention to the peripheral mechanisms of the trigeminal nerves sensitization, attributed to the induction of the local herpes viruses-induced inflammation in naso-and oropharynx, which could be the reason for the resistance to psychotropic agents of central effects. The approbation of antiviral therapy led to a decrease in the viral load in saliva, a decrease in the inflammation signs of the upper respiratory tracts with a sharp reduction in a number and severity of migraine attacks. Based upon these data, he proposed a concept of an immunodependent migraine form with a peripheral mechanism of the trigeminal nerves sensitization due to the chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tracts, associated with abnormally active reproduction of lymphotropic herpes viruses [12].

D.V.Maltsev demonstrated a relation between the infections caused by herpes viruses types 6 and 7 and temporal median epilepsy, associated with temporal median sclerosis in humans. He showed that such kind of patients had primary or secondary immunodeficiency, which made them unable to control a herpesvirus infection. He also developed and improved approaches to the serological diagnostics of herpesvirus neuroinfection by calculating the index of serum and cerebrospinal-fluid specific antibodies and specified the semiotics of radiological signs of herpesvirus infection in patients with temporal median epilepsy. He demonstrated that the serum concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha can be used as a biomarker to assess the severity of state as well as predict the further disease course in patients with temporal median epilepsy associated with herpesvirus infection [13]. He approved the combination antiviral therapy to ensure the reduction of incidence and severity of epileptic seizures and to improve the sensitivities to anticonvulsants [14]. Based on the findings, he proposed a concept of the virus-induced transformation in a synaptic excitation transmission as a model for the development of temporal median epilepsy with temporal median sclerosis induced by herpes viruses [15].

The concept of minor immunodeficiencies, proposed by D.V. Maltsev, makes it possible to discern the cause of a number of infectious, allergic, autoimmune, immune-inflammatory, and oncologic syndromes in the presence of genetically determined immunity diseases having a variable course and heterogeneous clinical picture. This concept presumes a new philosophy in medicine with an opportunity to determine an etiological factor in allergies, autoimmunity and oncology and, correspondingly, to perform the patient-specific etiotropic treatment aimed at compensating for the causal immunodeficiency. He is the author of the modern classification of primary minor human immunodeficiency diseases. He expanded understanding of clinical manifestations of these diseases and developed a number of new approaches to the treatment of primary minor immunodeficiencies which allow the better control over the infectious, allergic and autoimmune manifestations without changing the doses of germicides, glucocorticosteroids and cytostatic agents. He also collected and integrated scientific evidence in a special monograph on minor immunodeficiency diseases [16].

D.V.Maltsev demonstrated relations between the genetic folate cycle deficiency and autism spectrum disorders in children, characterized a new form of the primary immunodeficiency in patients with the mentioned genetic pathology and reported a spectrum of clinical and laboratory manifestations of the disease [17]. He also developed biomarkers to assess the severity of the condition and prognosis for the disease, improved semiotics of the radiological signs of encephalopathy in children with autism spectrum disorders associated to the genetic folate cycle deficiency, demonstrated the role of reactivated herpesvirus infections in inducing the demyelination and anti-neuronal autoimmunity in children with autism, proved that high-dose IV immunoglobulin therapy promoted the restoration of myelination in the cerebral hemispheres and the reduction of clinical manifestations of autism spectrum disorders, while Rituximab, by the B-cell depletion, effectively suppresses manifestations of anti-neuronal autoimmunity [18]. He developed a step-by-step approach to the treatment and rehabilitation of such kind of patients, which makes it possible to reduce the manifestations of autism spectrum disorders or even get rid of them at all [19].

In co-operation with V.O.Fedirko he developed the concept of virus-induced resistance to analgesics with the refractory forms of trigeminal neuralgia in humans. He characterized the spectrum of reactivated herpesvirus infections in severe atypical trigeminal neuralgia, improved approaches to the diagnosis of such infections, characterized the primary immunodeficiencies, responsible for the loss of control over the reactivated virus in patients with trigeminal neuralgia and proved that the combination antiviral therapy, aimed to eliminate the reactivated herpesvirus infection and the inflammation, related thereto, reduced the severity of pain in patients with atypical trigeminal neuralgia [20].


1. Мальцев Дмитро Валерійович | Персональний сайт
2. Мальцев Д.В., Казмірчук В.Є., Євтушенко С.К. До питання сучасної клініко-вірусологічної класифікації герпесвірусних нейроінфекцій // Международный неврологический журнал. – 2012. – №2 (48). – С. 14–28.
3. Maltsev D.V. The effectiveness of combined antiviral therapy in chronic mononucleosis caused by Epstein-Barr virus June 15-16 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
4. Казмирчук В.Е, Мальцев Д.В. Ретроспективный анализ применения препарата Гепримун-6 у пациентов с инфекцией, вызванной вирусом герпеса 6 типа // Клінічна імунологія, алергологія, інфектологія. – 2010. – №5-6 (34-35). – С. 64–70.
5. Мальцев Д.В., Рассказова О.М. Хронічна вірусна інфекція, спричинена вірусом герпесу 6 типу, з ураженням нервової системи на тлі дефіциту природних кілерів // Клінічна імунологія. Алергологія. – 2017. – №5. – С. 27–33.
6. Мальцев Д.В., Климчук В.В. Випадок ятрогенного аспергільозу ретробульбарної клітковини і лімбічного герпесвірусного енцефаліту у пацієнтки з дефіцитом мієлопероксидази фагоцитів // Український медичний часопис. – 2011. – 1 (81). – С. 118–120.
7. Мальцев Д.В., Горбенко В.Ю. Клінічний випадок попереково-крижового мієліту HSV2-етіології у пацієнта з вибірковим дефіцитом природних кілерів // Укр. неврол. журнал. – 2018. – №2. – C.74–80.
8. Казмирчук В.Е, Мальцев Д.В. Диагностика первичных и вторичных иммунодефицитов у пациентов с герпесвирусной нейроинфекцией, ассоциированой с височной медианной эпилепсией // Аллергология и иммунология (Российская Федерация). – 2012. – Т.13. – №2. – С.149–164.
9. Мальцев Д.В. Ефективність довготривалої безперервної імуномодулюючої терапії за допомогою рекомбінантного гамма-інтерферону у пацієнтів з клінічно маніфестними формами дефіциту мієлопероксидази нейтрофілів // Імунологія та алергологія. – 2015. – №1. – С. 44–53.
10. Лісяний М.І., Мальцев Д.В., Мішина В.В. Ізольований дефіцит IgМ: клініка, діагностика і лікування // Лабораторна діагностика. – 2015. – №3. – С. 45–56.
11. Мальцев Д.В. Ефективність комбінованої імунотерапії Пропесом та Інфламафертином при дефіциті природних кірців та природних кілерних Т-лімфоцитів, асоційованих з генетичним дефіцитом фолатного циклу // Матерали Науково-практичної конференції «Нові досягнення в імунології та алергології», 15-16 вересня 2017 року, м. Київ. // Ж. Імунологія та алергологія. – 2017. - №1-2., 48 с.
12. Казмірчук В.Є., Мальцев Д.В. Імунозалежна форма мігрені // Український неврологічний журнал. – 2008. – № 2. – С. 27–37.
13. Maltsev Dmitriy V., Kazmirchuk Vera E., Grytsyk Vladimir F., Nedopaco Yaroslav Ya. The Possibility of Using Serum Concetracions of the Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpfa As a Biomarker in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Associated With the Human herpes Virus Neiroinfections // International journal of biomedicine. – 2012. – Vol. 2(1). – P .16–25.
14. Мальцев Д.В., Казмірчук В.Є. Ефективність противірусного лікування при герпесвірусній нейроінфекції зі скроневою епілепсією // Міжнародний неврологічний журнал. – 2011. – №4 (42). – С. 21–28.
15. Мальцев Д.В., Казмірчук В.Є., Ковальчук Л.І. Концепція вірус-індукованої трансформації синаптичної передачі збудження, як моделі розвитку скроневої епілепсії у людей // Науковий вісник НМУ ім..О.О. Богомольця. – 2009. – №4(26). – С.154–170.
16. Мальцев Д.В. Малі імунодефіцитні хвороби, 2015. – К.:Центр учбової літератури, 460 с. ISBN 978-617-673-394-2.
17. Мальцев Д.В. Оценка иммунного статуса у детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра, ассоциированым с генетическим дефіцитом фолатного цикла // Лікарська справа. – 2018. – №1-2. – C. 11–23.
18. Мальцев Д.В. Эффективность высокодозовой внутривенной иммуноглобулинотерапии у детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра, ассоциированными с генетическим дефицитом ферментов фолатного цикла Врачебное дело. – 2017. - № 8. – с. 8-24.
19. Мальцев Д.В. Этапное ведение расстройств аутистического спектра, ассоциированных с генетическим дефицитом фолатного цикла // Міжнародний неврологічний журнал. – 2016. – №2(80). – С. 151–158.
20. Мальцев Д.В., Федірко В.О., Лісяний М.І., Васильєва І.Г. Рефрактерна атипова тригемінальна невралгія, асоційована з реактивованою герпесвірусною інфекцією: патогенетичний зв'язок і ефективність комбінованого противірусного лікування // Імунологія та алергологія. – 2014. – №3. – С. 62–77.